Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Our crazy house hold!

So Mondays are one of those days where i have certain things i need to get done for the rest of the week to go pretty steady! I usually go to the grocery store and get all the groceries for the week, pay any bills that aren't mail-in, Internet or over the phone payable and do whatever else needs to get done! Well i had it all plan 1. go to Church to get Chris's paycheck, 2. Go by Target to get a few things, including Halloween Costumes, Emory Got Super Girl(she calls it Super Helper), this isnt Emory of course, but she isn't wearing it till Halloween or she will want to wear it every day till Halloween!

and Daxton will be a puppy..there isn't a lot of selections for 0-3month babies...o well its still cute. and this isn't Daxton

So we got our shopping done at Target and headed to the bank, well as soon as we entered it Lil' Man started squalling! It was lunch time! so i hurried up and decided to take Emory to McAlisters (Mataliters, as Emory says) so she could eat and i could feed Daxton, and everyone could be happy! By the time we got done it was almost 1 and neither one of them have had a nap! Knowing that i skipped out on Walmart, the bad food for dinner!! Thankfully i live 20feet away from Chris's parents house and Don came over to watch them while i ran to Brookshires! Hes a good person to have around!! :-) So around 6 o'clock i got a phone call from Chris, who was still at work, explaining me how a Mommy cat had dropped three kittens in the plant where he works and that he has been watching them and that she hasn't been back in almost 12hours. Well of course I'm thinking that hes talking about three 8week old cats that were being weened. But know he tells me that he believes them to be about a week old and he was afraid that if he left them there over night they would die, what was i to say "NO", yeah right, my parents never left a cat in the cold or a dog! :-) So i told him to pack them up and bring them home. I got on the Internet to prepare my self for syringe feed kittens and waking up every 3 hours to feed them. He brought them home in a shoe box, that tells you how tiny they were. 2 of them were calico and about 3 oz and the runt was black and white and weighed about 2 oz. They were so cute and tiny, they squeaked, instead of meowed, they could barley walk and their eyes were barley open! I'm thinking they were 10-14days old! So i took them in for then night but was determined that i was not going to foster these kittens. We are getting a puppy this weekend, i cant get a puppy when I'm bottle feeding three cats!

Anyways the Klein Animal Shelter in J'Ville took in 2 of the kittens, the runt and the biggest calico(who didn't eat very well), because they had a surrogate mommy cat that would feed them. The other calico went to a guy at Chris's work. The kids and I meet my Dad for some lunch since he was working at Chris's work that day! Then the kids and i went home for some much needed rest! So we rested for a little bit and when Emory woke up we decorated her pumpkin, I picked up this decorator kit for it at Target and its like the old Bright Lights we had when i was little. You scrape out the pumpkin trace your pattern then poke the little pegs in the holes, put a light in the pumpkin and see your creation!! Its really cute i will post a pic as soon as i get my camera back. Well Emory decided she wanted to put it on PawPaw and Nanas front porch where everyone could see it. So i put Dax in is pouch, grabbed the pumpkin and headed to pawpaws. We dropped it off, talked to him for a little bit then headed back home. Well as i went to turn the door knob, it didn't turn. I was locked out of my house, no keys, no phone, nothing! Just me and the kids! Didn't even think about taking my keys i live 20feet away from where i was going. I looked at Emory and asked her if she locked the door, with a cute little smirk she said "NO..."giggle giggle! UGH!! So back to PawPaws house we went. This was at 4, Chris's didn't get home till 8:30! Thankfully i dint have to worry about formula and Nana had some size 4 diapers that we wrapped Dax in when the time came to change him. It was really funny! Thankfully we survived the day!

Well i said earlier that we are getting a new addition to our family, crazy we are, i know, but that's just who we are. HAHA!! We are getting a 6 week old black and white Cocker Spaniel. This is a picture of some of the puppies from the litter. We don't know which one we are getting but we get to pick HER out on Saturday! We still haven't chosen a name so if you have any suggestions we would appreciate it! Leave us a message and let us know what you think!!

Its Wednesday..the week is headed downhill!! Yay for the weekend!!

Bye For Now!

1 comment:

  1. Haha! I cant imagine I would have pulled my hair out!

    Love you guys! I will also post pictures of Aidan in his halloween costume!
